OCD and Anxiety Disorders Exposure Group
Announcing the OCD and Anxiety Disorders Exposure Group!
Are you working hard in exposure therapy for OCD or an anxiety disorder? Is it difficult to engage in exposures on your own between your therapy sessions? Is finding the time to do effective exposures a challenge? Would you benefit from more practice with exposure and response prevention? This group is designed to give you a set time and place to practice exposure with the support of a group to help motivate your hard work.
What it is:
The OCD and Anxiety Disorders Exposure Group is a place for exposure-focused work. Participants come to group with a plan of what exposures they will be working on that night – these plans can be generated on your own, or with the help of your therapist. Participants are primarily responsible for determining their own exposures, but the therapist facilitating the group will be available to consult about exposure tasks. Each session will begin with a brief check-in, where participants can talk about their progress since the last meeting and their exposure goals for the night. After checking in and setting their exposure goals, the group will individually engage in their exposure tasks. The group will sometimes have opportunities to complete exposure tasks in the community, to broaden the variety of experience and aid generalization of therapy gains. At the end of the night, the group will reconvene to discuss their performance in exposure tasks.
Who can participate:
The OCD and Anxiety Disorders Exposure Group is currently open to adult clients of the BTC or outside of BTC who are actively engaged in exposure-based treatment. This affordable group ($105) will meet every other Wednesday from 7-8:30pm (alternating with Goals Group). The group is in a drop-in format, meaning that once participants have completed a screening interview, they can attend on the days that they are available without a requirement to attend every group.
Questions? Want to schedule a phone screening? Contact Dr. Lent at 301-593-4040 ext. 241 or Mlent@BehaviorTherapyCenter.com